Next session of the Committee to start on 13 December fully online
The sixteenth session of the Committee will be held fully online from 13 to 18 December 2021, with the revised provisional timetable in an attempt to accommodate different time zones, while maintaining all items of the provisional agenda.
Events related to ICH information sharing platform ichLinks successfully held in Vietnam and Kazakhstan
In relation to ichLInks, special events were recently held in Vietnam and Kazakhstan to promote the platform and discuss ICH safeguarding in these countries.
Irbid (Jordan) is the next pilot city for a project on safeguarding intangible heritage in urban areas
The project ‘Intangible heritage and creativity for sustainable cities’ aims to promote the role of culture in sustainable urban development, and specifically addresses the role that living heritage and creativity can play in building sustainable cities.
IRCI 10th Governing Board Meeting
The Tenth Governing Board Meeting of IRCI was held online on 17 November 2021. In addition to the 9 members of the Governing Board, 24 participants joined the meeting.
Symposium to Commemorate 10th Anniversary of IRCI
In October 2021, IRCI celebrated the 10th anniversary of its establishment in Sakai City. Sakai City and IRCI have cooperated on various projects. To commemorate its 10th anniversary, a symposium, “Discussing the intangible cultural heritage in Sakai,” was held by Sakai City Museum at Fenice Sacay on 30 October 2021.
The Finnish Heritage Agency to lead a project in Northern Europe dedicated to safeguarding living heritage and sustainable development
The Finnish Heritage Agency is launching a project titled “LIVIND – Creative and living cultural heritage as a resource for the Northern Dimension region”.
The Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages is presented at UNESCO and living heritage is mobilized
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL2019). Following the activities and fruitful discussions, a consensus emerged to maintain momentum through the continued engagement of all stakeholders.
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