IRCI 10th Governing Board Meeting
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The Tenth Governing Board Meeting of IRCI was held online on 17 November 2021. In addition to the 9 members of the Governing Board, 24 participants such as the representatives from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sakai City, and UNESCO C2 centres in the field of intangible cultural heritage in People’s Republic of China (CRIHAP) and Republic of Korea (ICHCAP) joined the meeting.
In this meeting, IRCI’s next Long and Medium-Term Programmes which start from FY 2022, as well as the Work Plan and Budget for FY 2022 were approved by the Governing Board. IRCI also reported the activities in FY 2020 and the progress in FY 2021, and IRCI’s efforts under the COVID-19 pandemic were highly praised.
Following the last year, this was the second time for IRCI to organise the Governing Board Meeting online due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the discussion proceeded smoothly with active participation of board members and observers, providing positive and productive comments.

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