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Next session of the Committee to start on 13 December fully online

Source: UNESCO

'Hanging' puppets inside backstage before a performance
© A.M. Dharmasiri Adikari, Sri Lanka, 2013

Given that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present uncertainties, the Secretariat consulted the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. As a result, the sixteenth session of the Committee will be held fully online from 13 to 18 December 2021, with the revised provisional timetable in an attempt to accommodate different time zones, while maintaining all items of the provisional agenda. Mr Punchi Nilame Meegaswatte, Secretary-General of the Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO, will chair this annual gathering. Each morning session will start at 10.15am and end at 1.15pm (Paris time). In the afternoon, the session will start at 2.15pm and end at 5.15pm (Paris time). Further information regarding the online modalities will be made available on the dedicated webpage.

The Secretariat of the Convention organizes an online information and exchange session for the members of the Intergovernmental Committee on Friday, 10 December 2021 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. (Paris time). The purpose of this meeting is to present the provisional agenda and timetable of the sixteenth session of the Committee and provide details on the online meeting modality. This meeting is also open to interested States that are not members of the Committee. Please note that this meeting will use the Zoom platform and interpretation will be provided in English and French. Information will soon be provided in order to register for this meeting. You will find all the documents and relevant information on the 16.COM webpage.

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