Two UNESCO events on living heritage and formal & non-formal education in Sofia, Bulgaria
This year, the 16th Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage and the 2022 edition of the Training of trainers’ workshop for the European branch of the global network of facilitators will take place back-to-back in Sofia, Bulgaria, sharing the general theme on intangible cultural heritage and education.
ICH NGO Forum is launching a call for papers ahead of its yearly symposium
The ICH NGO Forum will hold its symposium on the theme of “Living Heritage, Climate Change and the Environment” during the Seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage on Sunday 27th November in Rabat, Morocco.
Togo strengthens the safeguarding of its traditional musical instruments
The second phase of the International Assistance (IA) project “Inventory, safeguarding and promoting knowledge of how to manufacture and play Togo’s traditional musical instruments” recently came to an end.
2022 Silk Roads Living Heritage Network Committee Bureau Meeting
2022 Committee Bureau Meeting of the Silk Roads Living Heritage Network (SRLHN) took place on 23 October 2022 within the framework of the BOSPHORUS International Folk Dance and Music Festival (22-25 October) in Istanbul, Turkiye.
IRCI held a Workshop Targeting Central Asia for Collecting Research Information Related to ICH and its Safeguarding (10 August, Online)
IRCI held an online workshop inviting cooperating institutions in Central Asia under the project “Sustainable Research Data Collection for ICH Safeguarding: Focusing on Central Asia and Small Island Developing States” on 10 August 2022.
Announcement of the renewal of the IRCI logo
In line with the renewal of the UNESCO logo, the joint logo of IRCI and UNESCO Category 2 Centre in the field of intangible cultural heritage has been renewed as follows. The old logo that appears on official documents, publications, and so on, will be gradually replaced by the new logo.
Teachers possess the power to make their classes more engaging than ever – Join a new initiative for Living Heritage and Education by UNESCO!
UNESCO is inviting teachers from across the Asia-Pacific region to participate in the online course ‘Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in Asia-Pacific’, and to join the accompanying online seminars afterward to consult with UNESCO experts.
Good Practices in Policies and Activities on Safeguarding and Promoting Traditional Crafts for Sustainable Development in Communities
The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) is pleased to invite you to contribute to the gathering of exemplary programs on traditional crafts in your respective country.
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