Join the 20th anniversary celebration campaign
To mark the 20th anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, all stakeholders are encouraged to join the celebration by organising events and activities that showcase the diversity and richness of living heritage and to raise awareness of the importance of living heritage safeguarding.
Network meeting among UNESCO Category 2 Centers located in the Republic of Korea
ICHCAP organized the 2023 meeting for the council members of UNESCO category 2 centers located in Korea on 19 May 2023.
25 and 26 May: Multistakeholder Dialogue on Culture and Arts Education
UNESCO is bringing together a diversity of voices around crosscutting issues in culture and arts education during a multistakeholder dialogue taking place in Paris (UNESCO Headquarters) on 25 and 26 May 2023.
Call for Expressions of Interest: the publication ‘Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples’
The Secretariat for the 2003 Convention is looking for a team of researchers and writers to carry out activities for the publication ‘Celebrating the living heritage of indigenous peoples’. Expressions of interest should reach before UNESCO by 5 June 2023.
IRCI official YouTube channel launched
IRCI is pleased to announce that it has just launched an official YouTube channel to enhance its outreach activities.
UNESCO organized three online sessions to explain the International Assistance mechanism
The Living Heritage Entity organized three information sessions, on 11th, 12th and 14th of April, to present, the modalities and processes for applying to the fund under the International Assistance mechanism of the Convention.
Regional meeting of African country focal points for periodic reporting convenes in Algiers, Algeria
As a first for the region, country focal points for periodic reporting from 44 countries across Africa are convening in Algiers, Algeria, from 25-29 April 2023, for a training on periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Expert meeting on a broader implementation of Article 18 of the Convention
A group of experts from all regions of the world are meeting in Stockholm, Sweden from 19 to 21 April 2023 to explore how to share good safeguarding experiences of living heritage more broadly and how to bring to the fore the voices of communities and their aspirations for safeguarding their living heritage.
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