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Workshop on ICH Capacity-Building for Youth wraps up

Source: CRIHAP
A group of trainees give a presentation.

At the end of the workshop, all five groups delivered their presentations. The topics included the inheritance of the pottery-making skill, the product innovation for basketry weaving, the continuation of the ancient recitals and alphabets of Luang Prabang, the increase of pottery producers in local communities, and the cost reduction strategy for manufacturing the Lanad musical instrument. The trainees showed photos and videos they shot and shared their ideas and findings during their field trips. At the closing session, local experts presented each trainee a certificate, with the CRIHAP staff and personnel from the UNESCO Bangkok Cluster Office watching the whole process via livestream. Although the witnesses were far away, they said they “felt the joy and excitement the trainees showed at the end of a fruitful learning journey”.

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