Palestinian authorities take further steps in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
The project “Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding Palestinian intangible cultural heritage” (May 2017 – December 2020, US$ 273,049) recently came to an end.
First Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Silk Roads ICH Network Program
Following on the footsteps of our November 2020 Silk Roads ICH Networking Program meeting, UNESCO-ICHCAP with the assistance of IICAS invited seven individuals to serve on our preparatory committee.
Project Report “Study of Emergency Protection of ICH in Conflict-Affected Countries in Asia” Published
From FY 2017-2020, IRCI has conducted the “Study of Emergency Protection of ICH in Conflict-Affected Countries in Asia” project in Afghanistan, Timor-Leste, Sri Lanka and the Philippines for identification and safeguarding of ICH such as traditional rituals, festivals, and craft techniques that are on the verge of distinction due to conflicts.
6 April: International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
Tuesday 6th April marks the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, an occasion to explore the range of traditional sports and games inscribed on the lists of the 2003 Convention.
International Symposium on Tugging Rituals and Games to Be Held from 9 to 10 April in Dangjin and Online
The 2021 International Symposium on Tugging Rituals and Games for Its Sustainability, “Living with ICH: Tugging Rituals and Games” will be held for two days from 9 to 10 April with on/offline hybrid format.
Cooperative Policy Meeting between UNESCO-ICHCAP and KF Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat held on 24 March in Jeonju
On 24 March 2021, members of UNESCO-ICHCAP and the KF Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat met to discuss further cooperative work between the two organizations.
31 March: deadline for submitting nominations for the 2022 cycle
31 March 2021 marks the deadline for submitting nominations to the Lists of the 2003 Convention, proposals to the Register for Good Safeguarding Practices and Requests for International Assistance for examination by the seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee in November/December 2022.
Training on periodic reporting to kick-off in Europe
Europe is the second region, after Latin America and the Caribbean in 2020, to undertake the periodic reporting exercise on the implementation of the 2003 Convention under the reformed periodic reporting mechanism.
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