Rules of Procedure of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Rule 41 Working languages
41.1 The working languages of the Committee shall be English and French. Every effort shall be made, including through extrabudgetary funding, to facilitate the use of the other official languages of the United Nations as working languages. Separately, the host country may facilitate the use of its own language(s).
41.2 Statements made at a meeting of the Committee in one of the working languages shall be interpreted into the other language.
41.3 Speakers may, however, speak in any other language, provided they make their own arrangements for interpretation of their statements into one of the working languages.
41.4 The documents of the Committee shall be issued simultaneously in English and French.
Rule 42 Deadline for distribution of documents
The documents relating to the items on the provisional agenda of each session of the Committee shall be distributed to the Members of the Committee in the two working languages at the latest four weeks before the beginning of the session.
They shall be provided in electronic form to accredited organizations, the public or private bodies and private persons invited to the session and to States Parties which are not members of the Committee.
Rule 43 Reports of the sessions
At the end of each session, the Committee shall adopt its report in the form of a list of decisions. This shall be published in the two working languages in the month that follows the closure of the said session.
Rule 44 Summary record
The Secretariat shall prepare a summary record of the Committee’s meetings, for approval at the opening of the next session.
Rule 45 Communication of documentation
The list of decisions and the final summary record of the debates in public meetings shall be transmitted by the Director-General to the Members of the Committee, all States Parties to the Convention, accredited organizations and the public or private bodies and private persons invited to the session.
Rule 46 Reports to the General Assembly of the States Parties and to the General Conference of UNESCO
46.1 The Committee shall submit a report on its activities and decisions to the General Assembly of the States Parties at each of its ordinary sessions and bring it to the attention of the General Conference of UNESCO at each of its ordinary sessions (Article 30.2 of the Convention).
46.2 The Committee may authorize its Chairperson to submit these reports on its behalf.
46.3 Copies of these reports shall be sent to all States Parties to the Convention.
Rule 47 Adoption
The Committee shall adopt its Rules of Procedure by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting (Article 8.2 of the Convention).
Rule 48 Amendment
The Committee may amend these Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Convention, by a decision taken in plenary meeting by a twothirds majority of the States Members present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been included in the agenda of the session in accordance with Rules 9 and 10.
Rule 49 Suspension
The Committee may suspend the application of any of these Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Convention, by a decision taken in plenary meeting by a two-thirds majority of the States Members present and voting.

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