Rules of Procedure of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Rule 6 Organizations acting in an advisory capacity to the Committee
Non-governmental organizations with recognized competence, which have been accredited for this purpose by the General Assembly in accordance with the criteria that it has established (Article 9.1 of the Convention), may attend the meetings of the Committee in an advisory capacity.
Rule 7 Invitations for consultation
The Committee may at any time invite to its sessions any public or private bodies, as well as private persons, with recognized competence in the various fields of the intangible cultural heritage, in order to consult them on specific matters (Article 8.4 of the Convention).
Rule 8 Other participants
8.1 States Parties to the Convention which are not Members of the Committee may attend its sessions as observers.
8.2 States not party to the Convention which are Member States of UNESCO or of the United Nations, Associate Members of UNESCO, Permanent Observer Missions to UNESCO, representatives of the United Nations and organizations of the United Nations system may attend the sessions of the Committee as observers.
8.3 The Committee may authorize intergovernmental organizations other than those referred to in Rule 8.2, as well as public or private bodies and private persons, with recognized competence in the various fields of intangible cultural heritage, to attend its future sessions as observers, upon their written request. The Committee may authorize such institutions, organizations or private persons to attend a single session or several of its sessions, without prejudice to its right to limit the number of representatives per organization or institution.
8.4 The Director-General shall invite any entity whose participation has been authorized by the Committee in conformity with Rules
8.2 and 8.3.
8.5 Public meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public, as an audience, within the limitations of available space.
Rule 9 Provisional agenda
9.1 The Director-General shall prepare the provisional agenda of the sessions of the Committee (Article 10.2 of the Convention).
9.2 The provisional agenda of an ordinary session of the Committee shall include:
(a) all questions that the Committee, at previous sessions, has decided to place thereon;
(b) all questions proposed by States Members of the Committee;
(c) all questions proposed by States Parties to the Convention which are not Members of the Committee;
(d) all questions proposed by the Director-General.
9.3 The provisional agenda of an extraordinary session shall include only those questions for the consideration of which the session has been convened.
Rule 10 Adoption of the agenda
The Committee shall adopt at the beginning of each session its agenda for that session.
Rule 11 Amendments, deletions and new items
The Committee may amend, delete or add items to the agenda so adopted if so decided by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting.
Rule 12 Bureau
12.1 The Bureau of the Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, one or more Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur, in conformity with the principle of equitable geographical representation.
12.2 The Bureau shall coordinate the work of the Committee and fix the dates, times and order of business of meetings. It shall exercise as well the tasks foreseen in the Operational Directives and any other task assigned by the Committee through its own decisions. The other members of the Bureau shall assist the Chairperson in carrying out his/her duties.
12.3 The Bureau, convened by its Chairperson, shall meet as frequently as it deems necessary. Between the sessions of the Committee it shall meet at UNESCO Headquarters. The Bureau may, if the chairperson deems it appropriate, consult by correspondence, including electronic consultation.
12.4 Meetings shall be open to Committee Members and States Parties as observers, unless decided otherwise by the Bureau. Observers may address the Bureau only with the prior consent of the Chairperson.

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