Rules of Procedure of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Rule 28 Points of order
28.1 During a discussion, a State Member may rise to a point of order and the point of order shall be immediately decided by the Chairperson.
28.2 An appeal may be made against the ruling of the Chairperson. Such appeal shall be put to the vote immediately and the Chairperson’s ruling shall stand unless overruled.
Rule 29 Procedural motions
During the discussion of any matter, a State Member of the Committee may propose a procedural motion: suspension or adjournment of the meeting, adjournment of the debate or closure of the debate.
Rule 30 Suspension or adjournment of the meeting
During the discussion of any matter, a State Member of the Committee may move the suspension or adjournment of the meeting. Any such motions shall be put to the vote immediately and without discussion.
Rule 31 Adjournment of debate
During the discussion of any matter, a State Member of the Committee may move the adjournment of the debate on the item under discussion. On moving the adjournment the State Member shall indicate whether it moves the adjournment sine die or to a particular time which he shall specify. In addition to the proposer of the motion, one speaker may speak in favour of, and one against, the motion.
Rule 32 Closure of debate
A State Member of the Committee may at any time move the closure of the debate, whether or not any other speaker has signified his/her wish to take part in the discussion. If application is made for permission to speak against the closure, it may be accorded to not more than two speakers. The Chairperson shall then put the motion for closure to the vote and, if the Committee is in favour of the motion, the Chairperson shall declare the closure of the debate.
Rule 33 Order of procedural motions
Subject to Rule 28, the following motions shall have precedence, in the following order, over all other proposals or motions before the meeting:
(a) suspension of the meeting;
(b) adjournment of the meeting;
(c) adjournment of the debate on the question under discussion;
(d) closure of the debate on the question under discussion.
Rule 34 Decisions
34.1 The Committee shall adopt such decisions and recommendations as it may deem appropriate.
34.2 The text of each decision shall be adopted at the end of the discussion of the agenda item.
Rule 35 Voting rights
Each State Member of the Committee shall have one vote in the Committee.
Rule 36 Conduct during voting
After the Chairperson has announced the beginning of voting, no one shall interrupt the voting except a State Member of the Committee on a point of order in connection with the actual conduct of the voting.
Rule 37 Simple majority
Except where otherwise specified in these Rules, all decisions of the Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of the States Members present and voting.
Rule 38 Counting of votes
For the purposes of these Rules, the expression ‘States Members present and voting’ shall mean States Members casting an affirmative or negative vote. States Members abstaining from voting shall be regarded as not voting.

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