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The Capacity Building Workshop on Teaching and Learning with East Asian Shared Heritage commenced in Jintan district, Changzhou city

Source: CRIHAP
UNESCO facilitator Linina Phuttitarn delivers lectures.
UNESCO facilitator Vanessa Achilles delivers lectures.

The three-day workshop is facilitated by UNESCO facilitator Linina Phuttitarn and Vanessa Achilles, the facilitators will use the theme of "shared heritage" in East Asia to guide participants in exploring teaching methods that integrate heritage and education through interactive lectures, case studies, fieldwork, group discussions, and presentations. Participants will practice teaching plan development and discuss further exploration through practical teaching after the training.

Subsequently, participants will visit Maoshan, a modern tea industry demonstration area that integrates tea and tourism in Jintan, and the Jintan Ancient Book Printing Factory. The participants will engage in deep interactions and exchanges with the practitioners of Jintan green tea-making techniques (Queshe tea-making techniques) and Jintan engraved block and thread-bound printing skills, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the transmission and safeguarding of these two elements.

Participant shares ICH element
Group photo

This workshop serves as a dialogue platform for university representatives from East Asian countries, aiming to empower the participants and encourage integration of intangible cultural heritage-related knowledge into their future teaching.Also to inspire future teachers and the younger generation to jointly shoulder the responsibility of transmitting and safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.

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