Online ICH workshop for Lao youths kicks off

The Online Workshop on Capacity Building for ICH Safeguarding for the Youth and Digital Technology kicked off on Aug 20.

The event is co-organized by the UNESCO Bangkok Office and the International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO. Thirty young participants from Luang Prabang, in Laos, are attending the workshop which runs through Oct 15. UNESCO-accredited ICH facilitator Alexandra Denes has been invited to give lectures, along with eight other international experts and local experts.

Jing Feng, chief of Culture Unit of UNESCO, CRIHAP’s director-general Liang Bin, Jonghwi Park, a representative of United Nations University, and Sengthong Lueyang, vice-director of Luang Prabang Cultural Heritage Office attended the opening session of the workshop via live stream and recorded videos. They all said that they expect that the workshop will not only enable the Lao youths to better understand living intangible cultural heritages in their local communities but also encourage them to actively participate in ICH safeguarding and promotion.
Integrating online lectures with field trips, the workshop consists of three major thematic parts as follows.

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