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Online ICH workshop for Lao youths kicks off

Source: CRIHAP

In part one, the trainees will mainly learn key concepts related to ICH safeguarding work, the importance of communal participation in ICH safeguarding, and the connections between ICH and sustainable development. Guided by the facilitators and experts, they will also explore how to design and develop viable solutions for ICH safeguarding in local communities through field work, group discussions and brainstorming.

In part two, ICH related practitioner from communities and the trainees will interact with each other, exchanging ideas and experiences. Equipped with theories and knowledge they have newly acquired, the young trainees are expected to actively contribute to ICH safeguarding in local communities with creative solutions.

In part three, the trainees will share and discuss their ICH safeguarding plans and show their ICH-themed digital media works through an online platform.

UNESCO-accredited ICH facilitator Alexandra Denes gives a lecture. [Photo provided by CRIHAP]

To date, CRIHAP has organized a total of 63 ICH capacity-building workshops covering 41 countries and regions, with 2,297 direct beneficiaries throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Local experts share examples of ICH safeguarding. [Photo provided by CRIHAP]


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