Mongolia ushers in first customized capacity building workshop

Trainees have a group discussion.

Trainees have a group discussion.
Trainees also proposed suggestions to the government and media industry after thorough discussions. Their ideas would be demonstrated in their future work to promote ICH safeguarding.
After the training, CRIHAP invited all the trainees to write reports and articles on ICH safeguarding, what they learned and their experiences, which would be collected together with their field survey exercises during the workshop to serve as references for further training by CRIHAP and in Mongolia.
Relevant parties in Mongolia highly appreciated the workshop and expected more follow-up training as well as support from CRIHAP.
Including this workshop, trainings organized by CRIHAP have covered more than 31 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, directly benefiting 872 people.

Director-General of the CRIHAP Liang Bin issues certificate to a trainee.

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