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Mongolia ushers in first customized capacity building workshop

Source: CRIHAP

Trainees interview a ICH transmitter during the field surveys.

The workshop was held in response to a request by Mongolian media practitioners during a regional conference of Northeast Asian ICH safeguarding in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in October of 2016. It was also the first attempt by CRIHAP to tailor a themed training to a specific field.

A total of 42 trainees who had gone through a strict selection process represented all kinds of media practitioners in Mongolia. A minority trainee from remote West Mongolia traveled nearly 2,000 kilometers to attend the workshop. They were actively engaged in the curriculum and gave an excellent performance in their field work. Training content, the outcome of many discussions between organizers and facilitators, was well received by the trainees. Many trainees said that they understood the 2003 Convention better and realized their responsibilities of promoting ICH safeguarding through the training.

Trainees interview ICH transmitters during the field surveys.
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