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Workshop on Documentation and Inventorying of Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sri Lanka held in Kandy, Sri Lanka

Source: UNESCO
Dr. Gamini Wijesuriya, UNESCO facilitator
Dr. Nandadeva Bilinda Devage, UNESCO facilitator
Dr. Udaya Cabral, local expert

During the four-day workshop, UNESCO facilitators, Dr. Gamini Wijesuriya and Dr. Nandadeva Bilinda Devage, and local expert Dr. Udaya Cabral, provided in-depth explanations on topics such as identifying and documenting ICH elements, enhancing community participation, adhering to ethical principles, and practical skills for inventorying. The facilitators and experts emphasized that inventorying is a foundational task for ICH safeguarding. By advancing the inventorying work in various provinces as soon as possible, a more comprehensive and clear understanding of the viability of ICH in the country can be obtained, thus providing a basis for formulating elements safeguarding plans in the future.

The 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Sinhala version)

It is worth mentioning that the National Library and Documentation Services Board of Sri Lanka, in collaboration with the facilitators, translated the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as the "Convention") into Sinhala and distributed it to the participants in advance for preview. This facilitated the participants’ understanding of Convention’s spirit and content of it.

During the fieldwork, participants were divided into four groups to practice inventory-making for traditional jewelry decoration craftsmanship, copper product craftsmanship, traditional religious musical instrument craftsmanship, and traditional woodcarving craftsmanship. They engaged in deep exchanges with community members to understand the elements’ situations.

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