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The Representative of National Library of Sri Lanka visits CRIHAP

Source: CRIHAP

On Feb 26, Udaya Cabral, Assistant Director, Conservation Department, National Library and Documentation Services Board, visited CRIHAP.

Deputy Director-General Zhang Jing of CRIHAP and Mr. Udaya discussed the plan on organizing an intangible cultural heritage (ICH) training for Sri Lanka this year.

The two sides also discussed the possibility of various cooperation in the future, such as organizing serial ICH training, demonstrating ICH cases, and conducting cultural exchange based on specific ICH elements.

National Library and Documentation Services Board is affiliated to the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka. It undertakes the important responsibilities of recording ICH and participating in the development of national ICH inventories in this country.

The ICH training for Sri Lanka planned this year is the first ICH training organized by CRIHAP for the country at its national level. Mr. Udaya expressed his expectation for this training and the diversified cooperation with CRIHAP in the future.

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