Overall Results Framework for the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
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Overall Results Framework for the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.pdf |
Approved by the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention at its seventh session (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 4 to 6 June 2018), the overall results framework is the final outcome of a consultative process that originated in a recommendation by UNESCO’s Internal Oversight Service, as part of its 2013 evaluation of the standard-setting work of UNESCO’s Culture Sector. This process included a category VI expert meeting in Beijing, China, from 7 to 9 September 2016. During this meeting, a high-level results map was developed, which was then endorsed by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage at its eleventh session in 2016. The process continued with an open-ended intergovernmental working group organized from 11 to 13 June 2017 in Chengdu, China. The working group drafted the framework itself, which was in turn endorsed by the Committee at its twelfth session in December 2017, about six months before its final approval by the above-mentioned session of the General Assembly.
The overall results framework was prepared as a tool to measure the impact of the 2003 Convention at various levels through clearly identified objectives, indicators and benchmarks, as well as by means of a results-oriented monitoring system. The framework is composed of two tables: the first one includes the high-level framework, where the impacts, expected outcomes and eight thematic areas are identified and a set of twenty-six core indicators have been established; the second table presents the core indicators and an associated set of eighty-six assessment factors arranged by thematic areas. Guidance notes for all twenty-six indicators on the overall results framework were developed to support States Parties and other actors in their implementation of the framework.
At the same time, the periodic reporting system on the implementation of the 2003 Convention has been reformed with the aim of enhancing its quality and pertinence as a monitoring tool, and its performance and efficiency as a reporting system. The periodic reporting form ICH-10 was revised and aligned with the overall results framework to allow the collection of information on relevant core indicators of the framework. During the reporting exercise, States Parties have the possibility to establish targets and baselines at the country level. The above-mentioned guidance notes, which are made available also through the website of the 2003 Convention, have been integrated as a part of the online periodic reporting form ICH-10.
Table 1: High-level framework with brief indicators

2. This indicator is monitored and reported only at the global level.
Table 2: Core indicators and assessment factors, arranged by thematic areas

4. References to ‘inclusive’, ‘inclusively’ or ‘on an inclusive basis’ should be understood to mean ‘inclusive of all sectors and strata of society, including indigenous peoples, migrants, immigrants and refugees, people of different ages and genders, persons with disabilities and members of vulnerable groups’ (cf. Operational Directives 174 and 194). When these actions and outcomes are reported, States Parties will be encouraged to provide disaggregated data or to explain how such inclusiveness is ensured.

7. In conformity with Chapter VI of the Operational Directives, ‘inclusive economic development’ comprises income generation and sustainable livelihoods, productive employment and decent work, and impact of tourism on the safeguarding of ICH and vice versa.

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