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Training of Trainers workshop for Asia-Pacific region successfully concluded in Chengdu

Source: CRIHAP
A participant shares case studies.
A participant shares his observations and feelings from the International Festival of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The training participants, alongside UNESCO facilitator Linina Phuttitarn, also took part in the 8th International Festival of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chengdu. This allowed them to have a firsthand and immersive experience in observing China’s safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and its practices.

CRIHAP remains steadfast in its commitment to providing precise and effective intangible cultural heritage capacity-building services to countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The inclusion of new trainers significantly bolsters the training resources in the Asia-Pacific region, infusing fresh vigor into the global network of facilitators. CRIHAP, along with UNESCO’s headquarters and its field offices, both new and experienced trainers, and relevant departments across the Asia-Pacific region, will work collectively to make a more substantial contribution to the implementation of UNESCO’s capacity-building strategy and elevate the overall capacity for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the Asia-Pacific region.

A participant speaks at the training workshop.
Participants listen to lectures.
The participants of the workshop pose for a group photo.
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