Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean strengthen their capacities for the preparation of nomination files

From 8 to 25 September 2023, more than 70 participants from 16 Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and territories came together online to strengthen their capacity on the preparation of nomination files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention. It was an important opportunity for the region to bring together in conversation stakeholders engaged in living heritage safeguarding.
The participants coming from various backgrounds, ranging from culture officers, civil servants, academics, members of non-governmental organizations and representatives from bearer communities, engaged in rich and dynamic exchanges together with the four UNESCO’s facilitators who led the training course.
Following the conclusions of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the 2003 Convention (2018-2022), this training offers the occasion to pilot the newly revised training materials on the preparation of nomination files. Over the course of five online sessions, participants evaluated mock nomination files and reviewed the steps required to successfully complete this process, which requires the widest participation of communities concerned.


The training was organized by the UNESCO Office in Havana in collaboration with the Living Heritage Entity, and with the support of the UNESCO Offices in Port-au-Prince and Kingston.
Part of the project ‘Strengthening capacities for preparing nomination files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention in Small Island and Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean‘, this capacity building approach aims at better equipping stakeholders to prepare files that respond well to the criteria of the 2003 Convention’s evaluation system, thereby contributing to achieve geographical balance of the elements inscribed on the Lists. The project also seeks to facilitate cooperation, peer learning and networking among beneficiary countries. This project was made possible thanks to the generous support from The Netherlands.

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