Experts reflect on economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding

A group of experts from all regions of the world are meeting at UNESCO Headquarters from 27 to 28 September 2023 (Part I) to explore ways to maximize the positive effects of economic activities on living heritage safeguarding and sustainable development on communities, groups and individuals, while mitigating their negative impacts.
Given the relationship between economic activities and the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and in response to Decision 14.COM 10 of the Intergovernmental Committee, this expert meeting aims to prepare a draft guidance note for communities and States Parties on a safeguarding approach that address the risk of decontextualization and over-commercialization of elements of living heritage.
The Part II of the meeting (online, 20 October 2023) will aim to finalize the draft guidance note. It will subsequently be presented to the Intergovernmental Committee at its eighteenth session (4 to 9 December 2023, Kasane, Republic of Botswana).
Since 2021, the Secretariat has been undertaking efforts in specific thematic areas to contribute to a holistic approach to heritage safeguarding and sustainable development. The other two thematic initiatives under the 2003 Convention concern safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in urban contexts.

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