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African country focal points for periodic reporting convene for online regional follow-up meeting

Source: UNESCO

Following the successful training event in Algeria (25-29 April 2023), African country focal points for periodic reporting met online on 11 July 2023 to discuss their progress to date in undertaking the periodic reporting process in their countries.

The meeting was an opportunity to share learning experiences, challenges, and successful strategies among country focal points, strengthening networking and peer learning in the region. Country focal points from more than 40 countries attended the online regional meeting, joined by 10 facilitators from the five subregional working groups and the two lead facilitators accompanying the process, Ms Harriet Deacon and Mr Sidi Traore.

Participants provided insights into their progress so far, including the identification of stakeholders from a range of relevant stakeholders, the elaboration of roadmaps and workplans for implementing activities and the establishment of reporting teams at regional, provincial and district levels as relevant.

The meeting is supported by Saudi Arabia Funds in Trust under the project ‘Strengthening capacities for periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa’.

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