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2022 Advisory Committee Meeting of ICHCAP

Source: ICHCAP

ICHCAP held the 2022 Advisory Committee Meeting on 15 December 2022 in Seoul.

In this meeting, ICHCAP shared its major programmes and projects implemented in 2022 and discussed future development strategies with eleven newly appointed committee members in the field of culture and arts, cultural policy, public relations, international cooperation, and education.

The advisory committee actively discussed ways to strengthen online promotion of various ICH contents that ICHCAP produced during the last ten years, use of 120 ICH documentary videos, and vitalize the ICH education network. ICHCAP intends to raise domestic awareness by fully reflecting various opinions presented through this meeting and strengthening collaboration with domestic organizations that need ICHCAP’s various contents on ICH.

ICHCAP has been holding regular advisory committee meetings since 2015 to improve the effectiveness and visibility of ICHCAP’s projects by collecting opinions from experts in various fields. The term of the advisory committee members is two years.

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