ICHCAP and Institute for Eurasian Turkic Studies at Dongduk Women’s University Held Work-level Advisory Meeting on the Silk Roads Living Heritage Safeguarding Strategies

On December 21, 2022, ICHCAP and the Institute for Eurasian Turkic Studies at Dongduk Women’s University held a domestic work-level advisory meeting on strategies for safeguarding living heritage along the Silk Roads.
The main objective of the advisory meeting was to exchange ideas on the future strategic direction of the Silk Roads Living Heritage Network (SRLHN) and build a network of domestic experts. The meeting was moderated by professor Eunkyung Oh (Director of the Institute for Eurasian Turkic Studies), who raised the important issue of the existence of many segregated research projects and activities related to the Silk Roads, and at the same time, the lack of the information sharing between those institutions in charge. The exchange of knowledge between different stakeholders that are interested in a similar issue is a great tool for developing future strategies and achieving the synergy effect.
The meeting was facilitated by the following presenters: Mr. In Pyong Chun (Professor Emeritus at Chung-Ang University), Mr. Pilho Park (Former Director of IICAS), Mr. Soo Jin Park (Director of Seoul National University Asia Center), and Mr. Deoksoon Kim (Director of Strategic Development Office at ICHCAP). Another important part of the meeting was the separate discussion session, where the invited experts created the platform for the exchange of visions. The discussion session panelists row was filled by Mr. Kyung Bae Chung (President, Korea Welfare Economic Research Institute), Dr. Hee-sun Kim (Professor, College of Liberal Arts at Kookmin University), Mr. Hyung Suk Moon (Turksoy Asia-Pacific regional Advisor), Mr. Seong-Yong Park (former Assistant Director-General, ICHCAP), and Mr. Hyoyoon Shim (Curator, Asia Culture Center).
The participants discussed the difficulties in finding ways to safeguard, promote and utilise the ICH strategically, politically, and economically. Arranging this meeting itself had the meaning of the factual strategy to enhance the network of domestic Silk Road researchers, experts, and related stakeholders. All participants expressed their willingness and hope for continued discussion development and further cooperation on safeguarding the living heritage along the Silk Roads.
For more information on the Silk Roads Living Heritage Network, please contact the Secretariat via silkroadich@gmail.com

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