New Publication Available! Resource Kit for Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in Asia-Pacific

ICHCAP has been operating project named “Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in the Asia-Pacific” in cooperation with the UNESCO Bangkok office and APCEIU to contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4. Quality Education.
Since 2019, we developed step-by-step guidelines for integration of ICH in the formal education curriculum and held a training of trainers workshop for applying the guidelines to the actual education field. And, the pilot classes were conducted in six countries in the Asia-Pacific region(Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Thailand, and Republic of Korea). Approximately 1,900 students and 86 teachers participated in a total of 21 schools, and about 100 lesson plans were developed from the pilot classes.
As a result of four years of effort, UNESCO recently published a resource kit containing step-by-step guidelines key resources on why and how to integrate living heritage in lessons and extracurricular activities in schools.
This publication is available in English and Russian from ICHCAP’s website as well as the digital library on the UNESCO website.
ICHCAP and UNESCO Bangkok office will service in more diverse Asia-Pacific languages in the future.

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