The Ministry of Information, culture, and Tourism (MICT) of Lao People’s Democratic Republic visited ICHCAP

Ten Lao government officials from the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism of Lao PDR (MICT), visited ICHCAP on 7 November 2022. The delegation included the Director of Foreign Cooperation Bureau and the Directors of the National Museum, and the National Library of Lao PDR.
The visit was made as part of the ODA project between Lao PDR and the Asia Culture Center (ACC) to build a digital cultural resource management system of Laos PDR and strengthen its capacity to develop cultural content.
MICT and ICHCAP discussed the current state of Lao DPR’s ICH safeguarding during this meeting and sought ideas for future cooperation. As part of its commitment for the success of the ODA project, which runs from August 2022 to August 2025, ICHCAP promised cooperation, including technical advice in the field of ICH.
In the meeting, ICHCAP also presented its recent activities, including the ICH Video Production Project, which captured Lao DPR’s various ICH elements, as well as ichLinks, the ICH information-sharing platform, and requested that the Laos government participate in these projects. After the meeting, MICT officials visited the archive room of the National Intangible Heritage Center to examine the current status of ICHCAP servers and data management.
The delegation stated that ICHCAP’s experience with the ichLinks platform will be of great assistance when developing their management system and that they intend to be active in regular exchanges with ICHCAP in the future.

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