5-7 July: the Ninth session of the General Assembly for the 2003 Convention will be held at UNESCO Headquarters

The ninth session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will be held at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, from Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 July 2022. Over three days, 180 States Parties will gather and discuss important topics, for the safeguarding of living heritage around the world, and for the future of the Convention.
Due to the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 situation, participants are highly encouraged to wear masks during the session.
Items of the agenda include: the reports by the Committee to the General Assembly and by the Secretariat on its activities (January 2020 to December 2021), the examination of the 46 accreditation requests of non-governmental organizations, the endorsement of the procedure followed for the inscription of ‘Joumou soup’ (Haiti) on the Representative List, the presentation of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the Convention and proposed revisions to the Operational Directives, the use of the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund, the election of the 12 members of the Intergovernmental Committee, the proposed revisions to the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and the proposal for the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Convention in 2023.
Working documents for the sessions are made available here, in the six working languages of the General Assembly (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).
Representatives of States Parties and observers are invited to register online.

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