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Public Symposium on SDGs Project to be held on 22 December

Source: IRCI


The International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) is holding an online public symposium entitled “ICH contribution to better education and sustainable communities” on 22 December as part of its project “Research on ICH’s Contribution to SDGs: Education and Community Development”. All interested parties are invited to attend.


1. Objectives

The International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) has been implementing projects relating to SDGs since FY 2018. From FY 2020, IRCI started the project “Research on ICH’s Contribution to SDGs: Education and Community Development,” focusing on SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), in cooperation with NGOs in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Kyrgyz. The project investigates the relationships among ICH, education and communities. The purpose of this symposium is to share the outcomes of the project with the wider public and to provide an opportunity for Japanese youth to interact with international researchers and experts to learn about ICH safeguarding and SDGs.


2. Date

22 December 2021(Wed.)11:00-16:30 (JST)


3. Platform

Zoom Webinar *Registration(free of charge) is required. Please see below for registration.


4. Language

English and Japanese(Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretations are available.)


5. Programme (As of 26 November)


Opening remarks
IWAMOTO Wataru, Director-General, IRCI
Representative of the MEXT, Japan


SESSION 1: ICH’s contributions to education and community development in the Asia-Pacific region
Ehsanur Rahman, Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), Bangladesh
Kristian Apriyanta, Dewi Fortuna Community Learning Center (DFCLC), Indonesia
Almagul Osmonova, Taalim-Forum Public Foundation (TFPF), Kyrgyz


Lunch Break


SESSION 2: Efforts in Japan to utilise ICH for education and community development
(In cooperation with: Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU); United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS); Global RCE Network; The Goi Peace Foundation; ESD Consortium Kinki Region; Junior Chamber International Japan (JCI))
II Naohiro, Professor, Osaka Prefecture University
MINE Haruyoshi; IKEDA Shomu; SASAKI Mai; MATSUO Ouka; NAGAI Koki, Shotoku Gakuen Junior & Senior High School
KITAHARA Jirota mokottunas, Associate Professor, Hokkaido University
ABE Daisuke, Teacher, Yamagata City Chitose Primary school
NISHIMURA Yoshinori, Chairman, Junior Chamber International Japan




Interactive Discussion Challenges and issues in incorporating ICH into education and community Development




6. Registration

Registration (free of charge) is required. Please click on the link below for registration. Registration deadline: 20 December 2021 https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UfJ5Om3yTk-NMxrq4vHPmA

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the URL link to the webinar.

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