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Sustainable Prosperity of ICH and Education, Tenth Central Asia Sub-regional Meeting to be held

Source: ICHCAP

Tenth Central Asia Sub-regional Meeting AD Image © ICHCAP

The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (hereinafter ICHCAP) and UNESCO Almaty Office will host the Tenth Central Asia Sub-regional Meeting for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereinafter meeting) for three days from 13 to 15 October.

This meeting will be held in three sessions under the theme of ‘Safeguarding ICH in Education through an Integrated Approach.’ Participants of the meeting will share their experience regards ICH in education within Central Asia countries and explore methods utilizing ICH in education to achieve high-quality education. In particular, the experts from education and ICH field which has been going through recession due to COVID-19 will find ways to cooperate for co-existing future in post COVID-19 era at the sub-regional level.

Starting with the Keynote Speech by Dr. Heila Lotz-Sisitka, a Distinguished Professor of the Rhodes University, under the theme of the ‘Education and Culture Together in action to advance the SDGs’, a vivid case-study will be presented in Session 1 – Sharing the lessons learnt and challenges from the regional project on Integrating ICH in education in Central Asia. For Session 2, the current status and challenges in the COVID-19 era will be shared for Safeguarding ICH in formal and non-formal education. Furthermore, for Session 3, there will be a vigorous discussion about the future plans to build a collaborative and sustainable network between education and culture sectors in Central Asia after COVID-19.

Last but not least, ICHCAP looks forward to this meeting to serve as an opportunity to underline the significance of cooperation among government officials in Central Asia, experts from ICH and the education field in UNESCO; to have a synergy through raising awareness and building a consensus of the aforementioned topics and in the near future.

For detailed information, please refer to the attached program at the bottom. Participants can join the Session 1 of the meeting via the ZOOM link below. Also, please reach Ms. Min Jung KIM(+82-63-230-9741, mjkim@unesco-ichcap.org, ich.mjkim@gmail.com) for additional inquiries about the meeting.

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