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Announcement on holding a series of EABRN Training Webinars

Source: UNESCO

In order to share the outstanding research and governance experiences in the network, facilitate the capacity building of member countries and enhance the influence of EABRN. From 22 September to 27 October 2021, the East Asia Biosphere Reserves Network (EABRN) Secretariat will organize a series of online training workshops and, with the advice of the Steering Committee members, will invite experts and academics in relevant fields to act as trainers for the training webinars, focusing on a range of topics in the field of ecology and designated sites management.


The proposed event synopsis is the following (in Beijing Time):

1. 22 September 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM:

Innovation in monitoring activities in BRs.

2. 29 September 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM:

Ecotourism in biosphere reserves.

3. 6 October 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM:

Co-management of multi-designated sites.

4. 13 October 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM:

The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

5. 20 October 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM:

Biosphere Reserve Branding Through High-Quality Local Products and Gastronomy.

6. 27 October 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM:

Education for Sustainable Development in Biosphere Reserves.


The training webinars will invite well-known experts at home and abroad in the fields of computing and information, Ecotourism, co-management of UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGPs) and Biosphere Reserves (BRs), biodiversity, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and ecosystem, from the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), reputed associations, research institutions and universities, multi-designated BRs and UGGPs, MAB National Committee, and the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN).

The participation in the training webinars will be free of charge and opento all members of the East Asian Biosphere Reserves Network (staff and stakeholders of biosphere reserves, members of the MAB National Committees and associated experts from universities, research institutions and UNESCO Chairs). The participants will be given a training certificate by the UNESCO Beijing office on the successful completion of each of the training sessions.



* Following are the details of the first training webinar (22 September)

Platform: Zoom

Access Link: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/j/93328484843

ID of the session: 933 2848 4843

Password: EABRN


Topic: Modern Information Technologies for Monitoring and Research of Wild Animals: Practice of China Chebaling Biosphere Reserve.

Time: Wednesday 22 September 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 AM (Beijing time)

Trainer: Prof. Luo Ze, the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)

Professor. Dr. Ze Luo received his PhD from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. In 2012, Dr. Ze Luo was a visiting scientist working with the United States Geological Survey on species distribution modeling and climate change using data from telemetry studies on waterfowl. Currently Dr. Luo work for Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Most research work of Dr. Luo focus on data-intensive computing, machine learning and application, and e-Science applications.

Background information:

In recent years, new technologies and tools have given a strong impetus to new developments in monitoring and studying wild animals in the Biosphere Reserves. Nevertheless, the synergistic application of multiple technologies faces a range of challenges. As such, the MAB China, in conjunction with the International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS), has launched the initiative to implement an integrated monitoring programme in the biosphere reserve so as to modernize their monitoring, conservation and management since 2015. In 2018, the Chebaling Biosphere Reserve started the research and development of smart monitoring system together with the Computer Network Information Center under CAS and other institutes. Using cloud computing, big data mining and AI (deep learning) as the core technologies, they have made good progress in monitoring and on the occasion of this webinar, that will be shared with the participants and could inspire good practices all across EARBN.

All interested parties are welcome to attend, and please keep an eye on our articles for information on subsequent training webinars.


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