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Forms available for the 2021 cycle

Source: UNESCO

Kallawaya © Y.Shimizu 2014

The Secretariat has made available, on the website of the 2003 Convention, the updated forms to be completed by States when nominating living heritage elements to the Representative List and Urgent Safeguarding List and when proposing projects, programmes and activities for the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices for the 2021 cycle as well as for International Assistance requests. An instruction note accompanies each form, together with an indication of the deadline by which submissions are due. On the same page States can access 38 files of elements of intangible cultural heritage inscribed that have been considered as good examples by the Committee or the Evaluation Body, as well as four cases of budget and timetable for the International Assistance identified as helpful by the Secretariat.

Website of the 2003 Convention
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