CRIHAP Governing Board meets for seventh session in Beijing
Mr. Chao Gejin, Director and Researcher of the Institute of Ethnic Literature, Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, said that with the growth of experience, the quality and effectiveness of training held by CRIHAP are improving, which is gratifying. He hoped that the centre will further expand its training themes and conduct training in more regions.
Mr. Wen Rihuan, Professor and Researcher of School of the Chinese Minority Literature and Language, Minzu University, said that CRIHAP’s work is targeted, systematic and scalable. He expected CRIHAP will add more relevant contents of projects shared by cross-border ethnic groups and different countries into its training.
Mr. Gao Bingzhong, Executive Director of China Folklore Society, Vice President of the Association of Chinese Ethnology and Professor of Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, Department of Sociology of Peking University, appreciated CRIHAP’s initiative to organize training workshops for media practitioners. He said he hopes that the centre would increase communication channels to enhance the overall effectiveness of social mobilization and capacity-building for spreading ICH.
The session announced the renewal of the Agreement of CRIHAP. In accordance with the decision adopted by UNESCO’s 202nd Executive Board, UNESCO and the Government of the People’s Republic of China have signed the AGREEMENT BETWEENTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION(UNESCO) REGARDING THE RENEWAL OF THE DESIGNATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE FOR INTANGIBLE CULTURALHERITAGE IN THE ASIA AND PACIFIC REGION AS A CATEGORY 2CENTRE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF UNESCO IN BEIJING (PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA) in August 2018. Members of the Governing Board and delegates of various agencies offered congratulations, and expressed their expectations for CRIHAP’s future contributions on safeguarding ICH in the Asia-Pacific region and the world.
In addition, the session also announced the replacement of the Chairperson of the Governing Board, approved the renewal and supplementation of Advisory Committee members, approved the revision of the Rules of Procedure of the Governing Board, and adopted the Summary Records of the Sixth Session of the Governing Board.
After the session, the delegates went to Tianjin for a field visit. They inspected ICH projects including the Yangliuqing woodcut New Year pictures, the Laomeihua Chinese Shoe Culture Museum, the Changle stilts, the Mazu Temple and the Darentang Chinese Medicine Culture Exhibition Hall.

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