Sharing of Information and Good Practices on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Northeast Asia and beyond

Mr Li Ming, Director General of the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Press and Publication, Mr Shen Yubiao, Director of the Division of Sciences, Culture and CI from the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, and Dr Marielza Oliveira, Director and Representative of the UNESCO Beijing Office offered their warm welcome to the delegates on behalf of the organizers.
“Involving various actors and stakeholders of the creative sectors and beyond for policymaking is not only important as a principle but also indispensable to ensure that policies respond to the needs and aspirations of artists, creators, cultural professionals and citizens in general” highlighted Dr Oliveira in her opening remarks. “Participatory policymaking requires the engagement of various stakeholders not only at the national level but also at regional and international levels. Therefore, we sincerely hope that this meeting will be the beginning of the dialogue, networking, and regional cultural cooperation that you would develop among yourselves”.
This meeting – first of its kind in the Asia/Pacific – was positively received by the participants as an occasion to share information, good practices and achievements, as well as challenges and uncertainties concerning the ratification and implementation of the 2005 Convention and the development of cultural and creative industries. Interactive dialogue and effective knowledge sharing by the expert helped clarify doubts on the principles and benefits of this Convention, especially regarding issues of preferential treatment for developing countries, participation of civil society and the involvement of sectors other than culture to tackle transversal issues.

Particularly helpful was the presentation by each participant of one policy or measure from their respective country that was deemed successful in promoting the diversity of cultural expressions, aiming at different stages of the cultural value chain, from creation and production to distribution and enjoyment. This stimulated informative and effective dialogues among the participating countries and provided a better understanding of the Convention among participants, being specifically beneficial to non-Parties.
The meeting also resulted in the creation of networks amongst participants of key players in nurturing the diversity of cultural expressions in the Asia/Pacific. This will enable further information sharing and dialogue on cultural policy and governance of culture among and beyond the 11 countries.

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