Workshop on“Developing Safeguarding Plans for Intangible Cultural Heritage” held in Kathmandu, Nepal

Participants attend the training program in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, on Nov 21.

Nepal's well-known cultural expert Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi, Joint Secretary of Nepal's
Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Bharatmani Subedi,
representative of the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu Christian Manhart,
and Vice President of CRIHAP Zhang Jing attend the opening ceremony.
The Workshop on “Developing Safeguarding Plans for Intangible Cultural Heritage” co-organized by International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (CRIHAP),the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of Nepal and UNESCO Kathmandu Office started on 21 November in Kathmandu, Nepal. Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi, an eminent culture expert of Nepal, Mr. Bharatmani Subedi, Joint-Secretary, Culture Division, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Mr. Christian Manhart, UNESCO Representative to Nepal, and Mr. Zhang Jing, Deputy Director-General of CRIHAP attended the workshop and delivered remarks at the opening ceremony.
The expert Mr. Joshi inaugurated the workshop by lighting the traditional Nepali oil lamp. He stressed that Nepal hasrich cultural heritages. Effective safeguarding and transmission of the ICH can only be achieved when the community members are fully aware of the importance of their ICH.Joint-Secretary of the Ministry Mr. Subedi expressed that this workshop, together with the previous 3 workshops in Nepal will promote a deeper understanding of the 2003 Convention. He hopedthe traineescan apply what they learnt in the workshop to their future work in ICH safeguarding. Deputy Director-General Mr.ZHANG said, this workshop is a good start of the cooperation between CRIHAP and Nepal. CRIHAP is willing to work in join hands with related shareholders in Nepal to make ICH a driver and guarantee for the sustainable development of Nepal.Mr. Manhart said, the massive earthquake in Nepalin 2015 not only caused severe damage to the natural and cultural heritages, but poseda greater threat to the maintenance of the ICH in Nepal. The ICH is helpful to improve the sense of identity and to strengthen the social cohesion. Nepal is badly need to learn the knowledge and techniques for developing ICH safeguarding plans.So this workshop is organized in a timely manner, and it will definitely helpNepalto better safeguard its ICH.

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