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CRIHAP’s Training of Chinese Trainers’ Workshop on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention held in Shanghai

Source: CRIHAP

The opening session

The opening session was attended by Mr. Wang Chenyang, Deputy Director General of the ICH Department of MOC,
Mr. Niu Genfu, Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Arts (CNAA),
Mme Marielza Oliveira, Director of UNESCO's Beijing Office,
and Mr. Wang Wei, Deputy Director General of SMACRFT.

The Training of Chinese Trainers Workshop on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention was held at Shanghai University from Nov 7 to 14, 2016.

The workshop was jointly hosted by the International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (CRIHAP), UNESCO's Beijing Office and Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture, Radio, Film & TV (SMACRFT), supported by Bureau for External Cultural Relations and Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Ministry of Culture of P R. China (MOC).

The opening session was attended by Mr. Wang Chenyang, Deputy Director General of the ICH Department of MOC, Mr. Niu Genfu, Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Arts (CNAA), Mme Marielza Oliveira, Director of UNESCO's Beijing Office, and Mr. Wang Wei, Deputy Director General of SMACRFT.

Speaking at the event, Wang Chenyang said, China became the state party to the 2003 Convention in 2004. In the spirit of the Convention, China has achieved tremendous results, thanks to the joint efforts by the Chinese Government and the people in the past decade. China’s legal system for ICH safeguarding has been developed; ICH inventory system and safeguarding bodies been set up . As the practice of ICH safeguarding deepens across the world, theories on ICH safeguarding have also been enriched.

In June this year, a new chapter was added to the “Operational Directives for the Implementation of the Convention” on sustainable development at the national level, which will benefit all countries in their future work in the field of ICH safeguarding.

China's ICH safeguarding is entering a new era and facing a new situation and new requests. It's necessary to review the 2003 Convention and China's Law of ICH Safeguarding. Under such circumstances, CRIHAP invited international trainers to help the faculty from 57 colleges and universities to understand the spirit of the Convention and to convey the message through them to ICH transmitters, their students and other beneficiaries of the community.

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