Integrated Comprehensive Strategy for Category 2 Institutes and Centres Under the Auspices of UNESCO
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Integrated Comprehensive Strategy for Category 2 Institutes and Centres Under the Auspices of UNESCO.pdf |
37 C/Resolution 93 (November 2013):
The General Conference,
Recalling 35 C/Resolution 103, 190 EX/Decision 18 (I), paragraph 6 and, in particular, recommendations contained in 190 EX/18 Part I, paragraph 23, 192 EX/Decision 15 (I) and 192 EX/Decision 16 (VII) (5) (d),
Also recalling documents 190 EX/18 Part I, 190 EX/INF.16, Draft 37 C/4 and Draft 37 C/5,
Having examined document 37 C/18 Part I and its annex,
1. Decides to approve the amended integrated comprehensive strategy and its attachments, as recommended by the Executive Board,
2. Decides that this integrated comprehensive strategy shall supersede all relevant prior resolutions by the General Conference on the subject,
3. Requests the Director-General to apply the strategy to all proposals for the establishment of category 2 institutes and centres and all renewals of existing agreements.
A. Establishment, periodic review and evaluation
A.1 Establishment and designation
A.1.1 Based on the proposal by one or several Member States and complemented by a feasibility study carried out by the Director-General, the Executive Board recommends to the General Conference the designation of a category 2 institute or centre under the auspices of UNESCO.
A.1.2 Category 2 institutes and centres can only be established by a resolution of the General Conference. Such a decision must specifically state that the entity in question is to be “under UNESCO’s auspices”.
A.1.3 The designation as a category 2 institute and centre may be granted to an existing entity or to an institution in the process of being created.
A.1.4 The Director-General must be explicitly authorized by the General Conference to conclude an agreement with the Member State or Member States concerned on the establishment of a category 2 institute and centre.
A.1.5 In certain cases, the General Conference may authorize the Executive Board to take a decision on its behalf in designating a category 2 institute or centre.
A.1.6 Attachment 1 to this strategy sets out guidelines for the procedures to be followed in the creation of institutes or centres under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2).
A.1.7 Attachment 2 to this strategy contains a generic draft model agreement. In applying the model agreement governing the establishment of such centres enough flexibility should be allowed in order to take into account the legal constraints of Member States in proposing the establishment of such centres.
A.2 Legal responsibility of UNESCO: While category 2 institutes and centres are associated with UNESCO, they are legally outside the Organization. They enjoy legal and functional autonomy. Hence, UNESCO is not legally responsible for them and it shall bear neither responsibility nor liabilities of any kind, be it managerial, financial or otherwise.
A.3 Periodic review and evaluation
A.3.1 The agreement for the establishment of an institute or centre as a category 2 institute shall be concluded for a definite time period, not exceeding six years. The agreement may be renewed by the Director-General in the light of the review in A.3.2 and A.3.3 and the evaluation referred to in A.3.4 and once the Executive Board has taken its decision.
A.3.2 At least six months prior to the expiration of the agreement, the Director-General will carry out a review of the activities of the institutes and centres and of their contribution to the strategic programme objectives of the Organization and the strategy for category 2 institutes and centres approved by the General Conference.
A.3.3 The Director-General will include the results of this review in his report to the Executive Board on the execution of the Programme with recommendations as to whether the designation as category 2 institute or centre under the auspices of UNESCO should be maintained, terminated or not renewed. For each institute and centre under review, the termination or non-renewal of an agreement is incumbent upon the Executive Board.
A.3.4 To facilitate the review, the Internal Oversight Service will consider in its planned evaluations of strategic programme objectives, the contribution of the relevant category 2 institutes and centres to the strategic programme objectives under review.
A.4 Termination: The draft agreement should specify that either of the contracting parties shall be entitled to denounce the agreement concluded, with no legal or financial repercussions, and hence terminate the designation as category 2 institute or centre. The termination or non-renewal of an agreement shall be authorized by a decision of the Executive Board, on the basis of a recommendation provided by the Director-General. In the event of a breach of the agreement, the Director-General can propose to the Executive Board to terminate the agreement immediately. The termination shall also occur in case the institute or centre ceases to exist.
B. Activities and operations
B.1 Global, regional, subregional or interregional scope: The activities of category 2 institutes and centres must be global, regional, subregional or interregional in scope. These institutes and centres could be sponsored and supported by one Member State or by a broad coalition of Member States. Entities with a national scope only do not qualify for designation as category 2 institutes and centres.
B.2 Contribution to UNESCO’s programmes:
B.2.1 Each category 2 entity shall contribute to the achievement of UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives and global priorities of the Organization, as well as sectoral or intersectoral programme priorities and themes, defined in the C/5 document.
B.2.2 The type, scope and nature of the contribution must be articulated in the original request for creation/association, addressed and assessed in the initial feasibility study by the Director-General, and reconfirmed through subsequent periodic evaluations.
B.3 Formulation of UNESCO Programme Sector strategies for engagement with category 2 centres and institutes on specific themes:
B.3.1 UNESCO’s programme sectors shall regularly update specific sector strategies for engagement and interaction with relevant category 2 institutes and centres on specific themes with which all category 2 entities shall comply.
B.3.2 The sector strategies shall identify areas for joint programme implementation and areas where greater synergies could be promoted, such as contribution by category 2 entities , both at the national and regional levels, to UNESCO’s contribution to common United Nations country programming exercises as well as to linkages and interaction with field offices (cluster, regional and national offices as appropriate), National Commissions, category 1 centres and UNESCO’s manifold programme networks, including UNESCO Clubs and Centres, ASPnet, UNESCO Chairs and national committees or intergovernmental programmes.
B.3.3 To facilitate the implementation and regular update of specific sector strategies, each UNESCO programme sector shall designate a focal point, who could also be located in a field office.
B.3.4 Promoting a process of mutual consultation, category 2 entities shall be invited to share their work plans and other relevant material with UNESCO’s programme sectors – as programme sectors will undertake to share their work plans and other information material with their relevant category 2 partners.
B.3.5 Cooperation between UNESCO and category 2 institutes and centres may also include joint publications which shall be subject to the same quality review and approval processes as other UNESCO publications.
B.4 Reporting on results:
B.4.1 Directors of all category 2 institutes and centres shall be required to submit to UNESCO a biennial report with information on the contribution of the activities of the Institutes or Centres to UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives, global and sector priorities as well as sectoral expected results, performed under the scope of the agreement including those in collaboration with field office or offices in whose geographical area they are active as well as with National Commissions for UNESCO. The biennial reporting should be managed in a simple and concise manner so that the reporting obligation should not hamper operations of centres.
B.4.2 In line with the results-based management (RBM) approach, programme sectors shall include in their reports on programme implementation (C/3 and EX/4 documents) and in the System of Information on Strategies, Tasks and the Evaluation of Results (SISTER), information on the contributions of activities by category 2 institutes and centres. Such reports shall highlight the value added by these entities and their impact on the attainment of programme results at the Main Lines of Action (MLA) level, whether realized through individual action, joint action with other category 2 entities or through joint implementation with the Secretariat.
C. Coordination and reporting
C.1 Mapping: The Director-General shall undertake every two years a mapping exercise of all category 2 institutes and centres, drawing on information provided by sectoral focal points in liaison with the directors and staff of category 2 institutes and centres. This information shall include the thematic specialization and geographic coverage of all category 2 institutes and centres; information on the contribution of each entity to UNESCO’s programme results at the MLA level (see B.4.1. and B.4.2. above); information on all costs incurred as a result of interaction with category 2 entities; and the identification of best practices in promoting South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation. This exercise shall not only help to provide information about longer-term trends, but also help avoid redundancies and overlaps with other centres by United Nations-affiliated institutes or centres, such as those of the United Nations University.
C.2 Designation of a global coordination focal point: The Director-General shall designate, from within existing staff resources, a global focal point for issues pertaining to category 2 institutes and centres to be responsible, inter alia, for (a) a biennial mapping of all category 2 institutes and centres; (b) monitoring the implementation and regular update of the sectoral strategies and providing backstopping to sectors as needed; (c) maintaining a central database for all category 2 entities; (d) providing information to Member States; and (e) implementing the global comprehensive communication plan for category 2 institutes and centres.
D. Governance and managerial aspects
D.1 Governance:
D.1.1 Each category 2 institute and centre must be independent of UNESCO and have the legal capacity necessary for the exercise for its function under the laws of the country in which it is located.
D.1.2 Each category 2 institute and centre must have a governing body or a similar supervisory and decision-making mechanism, which shall meet annually. Such body shall appoint the director and approve the budget and the programme of activities. The Director-General may be consulted on the choice of a candidate.
D.1.3 UNESCO must be represented as a full member in the governing body of each category 2 institute or centre.
D.2 Representation and reciprocal attendance at policy-relevant meetings:
D.2.1 Directors, and/or staff of relevant category 2 institutes and centres shall be invited when appropriate to participate as observers and at their own cost in relevant sectoral meetings, conferences and regional consultations on documents C/4 (Medium-Term Strategy) and C/5 (Programme and Budget) when relevant.
D.2.2 Category 2 institutes and centres may invite UNESCO to attend their conferences on programme issues.
D.3 Employment of UNESCO staff: Category 2 institutes and centres should neither be headed by nor employ UNESCO staff members. However, The Director-General may, on an exceptional basis, agree to a temporary detachment of UNESCO staff if justified by the exigencies of a temporary joint activity/project within a priority area approved by UNESCO’s governing bodies.
D.4 Staff training and exchange: Opportunities for staff training and exchange shall be identified by UNESCO’s programme sectors in consultation with the directors of category 2 institutes and centres. This may include the mutual exchange of staff for limited periods of time to undertake research and to participate in the implementation of pilot projects or other high-priority or high-profile activities. All staff shall remain on the payroll of their respective parent organization for the duration of such exchanges.
E. Financial aspects
E.1 Financial obligations:
E.1.1 UNESCO shall have no financial obligations or accountability for the operations, management and accounting by any category 2 institute or centre and shall not provide financial support for administrative or institutional purposes.
E.1.2 Member State(s) or individual institutions concerned shall meet the costs of the feasibility study related to the establishment of a category 2 institute and centre proposed, the costs of the renewal review assessments, as well as the costs of UNESCO staff participation in a governing body of institute or centre, as appropriate.
E.1.3 If a category 2 institute or centre ceases to receive financial support from sponsoring Member State(s) or any other funding source the Director-General shall invite sponsoring Member State(s) to explore other funding possibilities within the period of six months. Should there be no result, the Director-General may propose to the Executive Board to terminate the agreement signed and cancel the designation as category 2 entity.
F. Contributions to programme activities
F.1 UNESCO may contract category 2 institutes and centres to implement concrete programme activities envisaged in UNESCO’s approved work plans in accordance with UNESCO’s rules and regulations.
F.1.2 Likewise, UNESCO may provide technical assistance for the programme activities of the institute/centre, in accordance with the strategic goals and objectives of UNESCO.
G. Visibility
G.1 Use of UNESCO’s name and logo: Category 2 institutes and centres shall be allowed to use UNESCO’s name and/or logo in accordance with the conditions and procedures established by UNESCO.
G.2 Contributing to UNESCO’s visibility in the field: Category 2 institutes and centres are encouraged to deliver high-quality work with a view to contributing to the objectives of UNESCO and promoting its impact, relevance and visibility in the field, especially in countries and regions where they conduct activities.
G.3 Implementing a global communications plan: The Director-General shall implement a global communications plan covering all category 2 institutes and centres, including measures to ensure a recognizable visual identity and a common branding for category 2 institutes and centres conforming to existing UNESCO policies. Components of such a plan could be a common brochure for all sectorally or thematically linked category 2 institutes and centres; information meetings for delegations to inform them on programme developments with category 2 institutes and centres and to dialogue with directors of these institutes/centres; and the maintenance of the dedicated website on the UNESCO web portal. This website shall offer up-to-date information on all entities; an updated timetable of policyrelevant meetings and events both by UNESCO and the category 2 entities; and promote networking and knowledge-sharing among all institutes and centres on the one hand and the Secretariat, UNESCO field offices, National Commissions and UNESCO’s larger programme network on the other hand. It shall also provide key documents and other information deemed useful for delegations, staff and the wider public.
H. Other considerations
H.1 Geographical representation: The Director-General is invited to work with Member States to ensure, to the extent possible, an equitable geographical representation and spread of category 2 institutes and centres, also taking into account the special needs of developing countries.
H.2 Review committees: The Director-General shall convene sectoral review committees should he/she consider this appropriate, to assess the contribution and impact of an institute/centre and to recommend to him/her its continued association or a discontinuation of the category 2 designation.
H.3 Review and adaptation of existing agreements: Each existing agreement with category 2 institute or centre shall be reviewed in consultation with the Member State(s) with a view to bringing it into conformity with the present strategy for category 2 entities and respective sectoral strategies. In case of need for changes in the agreement Member States with such an agreement shall be provided with a reasonable transitional period to adapt the agreement to the revised strategy in future renewals.
H.4 Consideration of submissions for designation: The Executive Board will examine proposals for the creation of new category 2 entities only once per biennium, during its session immediately preceding the regular session of the General Conference.
H.5 Reporting to Board sessions: The Director-General’s shall report to the Executive Board once per biennium on activities of all existing institutes and centres under UNESCO auspices, in the context of the EX/4 statutory reports. In case of denunciation or non-renewals relevant recommendations by the Director-General could be submitted to the Executive Board at any of its sessions.
H.6 Change of status: There is no agreed process for category 2 institute or centre to convert to a category 1 institute or centre.

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