Fifth Governing Board Meeting of IRCI held in Osaka

of the International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage
in the Asia-Pacific Region. (Photo provided by IRCI)
The Fifth Governing Board meeting of the International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) was held on Sept 28, 2016 at the Osaka International Convention Center. In addition to the 10 members of the governing board, 17 observers from seven organizations joined the meeting, including the delegation from the CRIHAP, led by Director Xu Rong.
At the meeting members discussed and approved activity and financial statement reports for FY 2015, progress on activities and the budget for FY 2016 and the work plan and budget for FY 2017.
During the governing board meeting, CRIHAP staff communicated with participants on topics such as strengthening the capacity building.

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