5th session of the Governing Board of CRIHAP convenes in Beijing

evaluation of CRIHAP in 2016 and related renewal issues.
LU Pintian, Executive Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, said that CRIHAP’s 2015 training programmes cover every aspect of intangible cultural heritage, including talent cultivation, safegaurding information, ratification, implementation, keeping an agreement and policy making. It has formed a system for long-term consideration.
CHAOGEJIN, Director of the Institute of Ethnic Literature, Member of the Academy, Chinese Academy of Social Science, said that in addition to the completion of the principle work of personnel training in 2015, CRIHAP has also done a very good job in international cooperation. CRIHAP’s training sessions are well organized with a high degree of participation in training in China and abroad.
CHAOGEJIN also suggested that CRIHAP should consider new media technology and take advantage of network training to lower the cost and make it more convenient for more people to participate. The meeting approved CRIHAP’s Three-year Development Plan for 2016-2018.
The Three-year Development Plan carries on the three principles of “Convention-oriented”, “participation for all”, and “priority on cooperation with developing countries” based on the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
According to the work demands of UNESCO, it included another “results-based management” principle. Setting up training target and corresponding training performance indicators in advance, it aims to increase the effects and efficiency of the execution and management of the training program as well as improve the executor’s responsibility.
Himalchuli GURUNG, Programmes Specialist for Culture of UNESCO Office in Beijing said that the Three-year Development Plan works in concert with UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy (2014-2021). She also praised CRIHAP’s capacity to build training programmes on national level and consolidate cooperation with field offices of UNESCO.
Governing Board also approved CRIHAP’s Work Plan and Budget for FY2016.

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