The 7th of ICHCAP Governing Board Meeting held in Seoul

The seventh session of the Governing Board of the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) was held on Oct 27 in Seoul, South Korea.
Ms. Sun-hwa RHA, Administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea and Ms. Sung-ja CHOI, Chair of the Committee for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Korea presented and chaired the meeting. On behalf of the secretariat, Mr. Kwon HUH, Director-General of ICHCAP and Mr. Seong-Yong PARK, Assistant Director-General of ICHCAP delivered speeches. The meeting examined and adopted the Result of the 6th Governing Board Meeting, the Result of the Executive Committee Meetings (6thand 7th) , the Feedback from the 5th Governing Board Meeting and Actions Taken, the Closing Account and Audit Report for FY2014, the Programs and Activities of 2015, and the Annual Work Plan and Budget Plan for FY2016. The attendees discussed the reports and plans above and proposed suggestions. Representatives of CRIHAP attended the meeting as observers.
In addition, ICHCAP is in an evaluation period and interviews with the relevant representatives were also taken during the session. XU Rong, Director-General of the CRIHAP, was interviewed by the UNESCO evaluation team.

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