CRIHAP’s Governing Board holds the 4th Session in Beijing

Wang Wenzhang, president of the Chinese National Academy of Arts (L),
Xu Rong, Director General of CRIHAP (C) and Zhang Jing, Deputy Director General of CRIHAP (R) attend the session. [Photo/ Zhang Jiansheng]

The conference room [Photo/ Zhang Jiansheng]
The Governing Board praised the CRIHAP for its international training programs and exchange activities, calling them a great contribution to the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific.
According to the Work Report for FY2014 and Work Plan for FY2015 adopted by the session, CRIHAP has opened training workshops in 21 countries from 2012 to 2014, with more than 200 people-times receiving professional training.
The CRIHAP will continue to hold training programs in more countries, including Cambodia, Indonesia and Uzbekistan.

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