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The Workshop on the Revitalization of Indigenous Architecture and Sustainable Building Skills in the Pacific

Source: CRIHAP

Trainees gather for a group photo at the opening ceremony.

The workshop on the Revitalization of Indigenous Architecture and Sustainable Building Skills in the Pacific was held in Apia, the capital city of Samoa Islands, from Nov 3 to 7, 2014. The five-day Pacific regional workshop discussed and shared ideas on best ways to revitalize indigenous architecture and sustainable building skills. The workshop was closed with a presentation of the Outcomes Statement in a media conference and the awarding of certificates to participants by UNESCO Director Etienne Clement and Deputy Director General from CHRIAP Zhang Jing.

Trainees hold a panel discussion. 

Trainees show a discussion report.

Trainees make a presentation of the discussion results

A teacher presents a lecture.

A leader introduces the profile of a training center.

A leader answers a question from a trainee.

A workshop trainee is given a certificate upon completion of his course of study.

Trainees take a group photo at the closing ceremony.
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