The Workshop on the Revitalization of Indigenous Architecture and Sustainable Building Skills in the Pacific held in Samoa

The five-day Pacific regional workshop to discuss and share ideas on best ways to revitalize indigenous architecture and sustainable building skills concluded on 7th November. The workshop was closed with a presentation of the Outcomes Statement in a media conference and the awarding of certificates to participants by UNESCO Director Etienne Clement and Deputy Director General from CHRIAP Zhang Jing.
Held at the Samoa Tradition Resort in Apia, the workshop enabled the sharing of perspectives from representatives of Fiji, Tonga, Niue, Samoa, Cook Islands and New Zealand, as well as from experts from China and Japan, on their respective traditional buildings and skills. They discussed the functions of different indigenous architecture, the role these buildings have in society, and the present state of their safeguarding. Bringing together heritage managers from Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Tonga and NZ as well as experts from China and Japan, the Workshop has discussed how the Pacific states parties can effectively implement the ICH Convention in order to revitalize the indigenous architectures and their associated ICH in the Pacific.

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