International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (ICHCAP), Korea
Year of creation: 2011
The specific functions of the Centre are to:
(a) establish an information system, support identification and documentation of ICH, conserve and digitize archival materials and support the development of metadata standards;
(b) disseminate the accumulated data on ICH in informational and promotional materials, and promote the protection of intellectual property rights of ICH practitioners and creators included in such informational materials;
(c) build networks among concerned communities, groups and individuals to reinforce transmission and dissemination of ICH, organize public events and meetings at the regional and international levels;
(d) strengthen international and regional networks to exchange information and knowledge concerning the safeguarding of ICH.
The Centre’s activities and programmes shall be carried out in conformity with the 2003 Convention and, in particular, its purposes and objectives and definitions (Articles 1 and 2).
Participating countries: Brunei Darussalam, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Tajikistan, Tonga, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam
Official website:

Address: 81, Laiguangying West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Zip Code: 100021
Tel: 86-10-64966526
Fax: 86-10-64969281
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