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Workshop on Engaging Youths in Preparation of Community Driven Safeguarding Plans in Fiji

Source: CRIHAP

From July 2 to 5, 2024, the "Workshop on Engaging Youths in Preparation of Community Driven Safeguarding Plans" will be held in-person in Nataleira Village, Dawasamu District, Tailevu Province, Fiji.

This program will be co-organized by CRIHAP and the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, Culture, Heritage & Arts of the Republic of Fiji. The training aims to enhance the capability of Fijian youth to assist their communities in developing ICH protection plans, gain a better understanding of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and its implementation at the national level, and support Fiji's efforts in raising awareness and building capacity for ICH protection. UNESCO ICH trainer Sipiriano Nemani was invited to conduct lectures and guidance.

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