Workshop on Practices of Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding kicks off in Fujian

The scene of a workshop

A practitioner of Indonesian batik demonstrates the technique.
2015 marks the 70th anniversary of UNESCO and its global strength of capacity-building strategy for the safeguarding of ICH has produced impressive results. The workshop reflected the principles of the convention, shared Asia-Pacific experience of ICH development, and increased regional capacity for safeguarding ICH.
The five-day workshop included presentations, project introduction, field study and dialogues. Representatives of eight outstanding projects to safeguard ICH in China, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Vanuatu exchanged notes about the development of ICH in modern society and effective ways to safeguard it. In particular, representatives of the two UNESCO Best Safeguarding Practices in the Asia-Pacific region – the Strategy for Training Coming Generations of Fujian Puppetry Practitioners and Education and Training in Indonesian Batik Intangible Cultural Heritage, explained and demonstrated the projects in details. Chinese cultural experts Tianqing, Lyu Pintian, Guozhan made presentation on ICH safeguarding or chaired panel discussion.
Those at the workshop participated in Cultural Heritage Day events and the Fujian and Taiwan Puppet Festival, and made a field study of lacquer art and basements of jasmine tea in Fuzhou before the workshop.

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